Just not for the reasons those people think.īecause while it is expected the majority of 'Looks to intense for me!' are from family groups not allowed to ride it anyways due to their children, that would not explain ahow many players are getting coasters with basically NOBODY riding them with ratings of merely low 6-7 range.ĭespite the vast majority of your customer base even allowed to ride a coaster being rather hardcore accodring to their listed statistics, even are merely medium. Considering how many threads like this you see where people will chime in that 'LOL! You have 5 fear/nausea! That's way too high for anybody to ride ever!'. It seems these statistics are generally missleading. As well, it's generall family groups with many children with Low/Lowest, and those are not allowed to ride the majority of roller coasters anyways. Now, the possibly tolerances seem quite high for Medium. Very low 1.7 - 2.8 (Not a typo, higher base preference)
The numbers can vary, and you can only see the numbers as a pop up tooltip from mousing over the worse 'low' 'high' etc on their listed tolerances. Here are some numbers I noted from a few minutes glancing at random customer groups.